(AKA: Magendie lot, The Solaris lot, The Archives, Park Office.)

1880s - Today

© Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.
The Park Office - 2011.

Originally described as two frame houses and lots; this is on the east part of the Magendie lot

1880 - Frame 2-story residence built by Louis Brunet.

1890? - The Solaris had a house on this lot, need more research on the building,

Back of Solari's House after fire - 1920.

1920 - Solari's house on this lot destroyed by fire.

© California State Library.
Wood building on Solari lot - 1929.

1925-1960 - A makeshift building was located between the two brick buildings.

1960 - Replica of the Brunet structure, built for the park office.

1990 - Records, photos and archives moved into the building upstairs as it became the archives.

2002 - Records, photos and archives moved to the remodeled firehouse office building behind Main Street firehouse and it became the archives office.

© Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.
Back of Park Office - 2011.

This page is created for the benefit of the public by
Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.

Email contact:
fdpoyde3 (at) Yahoo (dot) com
created for the visitors to the Columbia State Historic park.
© Columbia State Historic Park & Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.