1857 - present

© Columbia State Historic Park.
Note the awning signs on McChesney building - c1863
The difficulty in sorting out what happened when, is tying together the names of owners, the buildings (named for the builder) and the name of the businesses. This can make it difficult. What follows is a known record and a few reasonable assumptions.The Candy Kitchen building AKA the Soderer & Marshall, as well as the Mills & McChesney and Temple buildings took up the space from Hildebrand's to the corner of Fulton Street. Each year has been attached to the specific building history as best as can be assumed at this date.
1851 Benjamin Alverson and John D. Patterson build a frame building and run the Patterson House Saloon. (South part of this building is where the carpentry shop now stands).
1851 Peter Ferguson, "the first person to open a saloon in the southern mines", opens a liquor store(Mills & McChesney).
1853 February - Heslep, Yaney & Co own the lot. They sell to James A. Jackson(Soderer and Marshall).
1853 August - Ferguson sells to H. K. White and J. Diamond who open White's Billiard Saloon(Mills & McChesney).
1854 Diamond sells to White. After the fire, rebuilds a wood frame building. White and Harvey run a saloon(Mills & McChesney).
1854 July 10 - "A fire broke out this morning, about 2 o'clock, on Broadway, two doors from Clark's Hotel, in the town of Columbia, and resulted in the almost total destruction of the town. All the property within the territory bounded by Broadway, Fulton, State and Washington streets, is entirely consumed, except the fire-proof building of Donald & Parson." - Sonora newspaper.
1854 After the July fire, they rebuild of wood. George H. Rogers runs the Union Exchange Restaurant(Soderer and Marshall).
1855 September - Jackson sells the lot to Edward Coleman(Soderer and Marshall).
1855 November - William A. Cory succeeds Rogers and changes the name to the Magnolia Restaurant(Soderer and Marshall).
1856 White sells to J. J. McChesney and Niles Mills(Mills & McChesney).
1856 April - Coleman sells to Soderer and Marshall for $3600(Soderer and Marshall).
1857 Niles Mills sells to Edgar Mills(Mills & McChesney).
1857 After the August fire, they build of brick and split the building into 2 stores. Mills sells to McChesney(Mills & McChesney).
1857 After the August fire, Soderer and Marshall, build a 1 story brick structure. "Messrs. Solter(Soderer), Marshall, Edgar Mills and Dr. McChesney will build a splendid one story fire-proof block with iron front, from Hildebrand's to the corner of Fulton Street." (from the Sacramento Daily Union Sept. 4, 1857)
1859 Barker and Cousins (black barbers) open a Shaving Emporium (the Temple Building).
1859 July - Drs. Baldwin and Dickinson operate as druggists and apothecaries (the Temple Building).
1859 August - Baldwin is alone (the Temple Building).
1860 June - Cohen and Levinsons' Tobacco and Fruit store open(Soderer and Marshall).
1861 Hutchinson and Gilman open a variety store and the first soda fountain in Columbia(Soderer and Marshall).
1861 October - they become the telegraph operators(Soderer and Marshall).
1864 December - the Elias brothers buy the building and run a variety store and telegraph(Soderer and Marshall).
Temple Building

© Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.
South Building (the Temple Building) - 2007
1864 December - McChesney sell the store to Dr. D. M. Baldwin (the Temple Building).
1865 April 22 - A generic advertisement for Bitters is placed in the Tuolumne Courier with the by-line, "For sale at Dr. Baldwin's Drug Store, in Columbia." (the Temple Building)
1866 July - F. D. F. Temple (Francis Pliny Fisk Temple born 13 Feb 1822 - died 22 Apr 1880) buys the building and opens a butcher shop (the Temple Building).
1867 March - Phil Elias sells to Ed Elias(Soderer and Marshall).
1867 August - Baldwin sells to R. W. Hathaway who has a drugstore. Later, Dr. Graham has an office in the drugstore and then Dr. Fine takes over from Graham (the Temple Building).
1869 Dr. G.T. Van Vleck succeeds Dr. Fine (the Temple Building).
1871 August - Elias. Block 16, Lot 224 - Deputy County Surveyor map by John P. Dart (Soderer and Marshall)
1871 August - Hathaway. Block 16, Lot 225 - Deputy County Surveyor map by John P. Dart (Mills & McChesney).
1871 August - Temple. Block 16, Lot 226 - Deputy County Surveyor map by John P. Dart (the Temple Building).
1873 Elias also has the post office until 1877(Soderer and Marshall).
1874 Hathaway sells to Wm. Shine (the Temple Building).
1874 The building sells to William Shine for $200(Soderer and Marshall).
1874 Elias adds a drugstore. He sells the building to Wm. Shine, who now owns the entire structure, Elias remains on the premises(Soderer and Marshall).
Soderer & Marshall Building

© Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.
North Building (Soderer and Marshall) - 2007
1876 By this time, Elias tears down the wall and re-unites the building into one large store(Soderer and Marshall).
1879 December - Horace Butler moves his Union Restaurant into the building and renames it the New York Restaurant (Soderer and Marshall).
1880 Elias moves out(Soderer and Marshall).
1880 March - Louis Levy leases the building and runs a variety store and post office until 1881(Soderer and Marshall).
1881 Levy moves out(Soderer and Marshall).
1881 September - Wm. Shine sells the south lot to Wm. Siebert (Soderer and Marshall).
1881 Butler leaves(Soderer and Marshall).
1887 February - Tonsorial artist Green moves his Elite Tonsorial Shaving Parlor into the building(Soderer and Marshall).
1891 September - Shine sells the north lot to Siebert(Soderer and Marshall).
1893 March - Matthew Brady, Sr. leases the building for a grocery store and post office. After his death, his sons continue the store and post office until 1899(Soderer and Marshall).
1903 Will McClarren's men's clothing store is in the building then Dr W. L. Stephens takes over the building(Soderer and Marshall).
c1920s One of these buildings is the Kearny Saloon.
c1920s April - Siebert's widow sold to Mrs. Pauline (Goelz) Naegele(Soderer and Marshall).
1930s Mr. Miner has a grocery store in the building, he also owns the cabins in the back lot (Temple, Mills & McChesney, Soderer & Marshall).
1948 The state purchases from Nellie Cody et al for $8500 (Temple, Mills & McChesney, Soderer & Marshall).
1950s Has been the Red and White grocery and Eastlack's, and Harthorn and Raney concession(Temple, Mills & McChesney, Soderer & Marshall).
1960 Roy Raney moves his grocery concession to the Magendie building (Columbia Mercantile, located on the southwest corner of Jackson and Main streets).
1960 April 1 - This building is Ted & Elaine Mellor's Candy Store.
(date?) Happy and Dale Heric take over Mellor's.
1961 The state move Mellor's to the Heyneman building (Brown's Coffee Saloon).
1961 The state restores the building.
1969 September 30 - Dick Nelson gets special use permit to operate a candy store. One year contract ends 30 September 1970 (Park & Concessionaire report 1969-70).
1972-74 Restored by the Nelson family for the Columbia Candy Kitchen (Temple, Mills & McChesney, Soderer & Marshall).
1974 4 June - Clarence R. Nelson et al have concession contract of the Columbia Candy Kitchen for 25 years. (Park & Concessionaire report 1969-70).

© Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.
The South and North Buildings of the Candy Kitchen - 2007
This page is created for the benefit of the public by
Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.
Email contact:
fdpoyde3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
created for the visitors to the Columbia State Historic park.
© Columbia State Historic Park & Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.