1856 -1866
© private collection of web master.
1851 September - the lot is owned by Juan Baudeno and Juan Orosco.
1852 Sometime this year - Dr. James J. McChesney buys the property.
1853 September - Dr. McChesney sells the west part of the lot to Enoch Covert who sells it to Drs. Oxley and Campbell who open an office in the building.
1854 In the spring - McChesney leases the drugstore to Oxley and Campbell.

© Bancroft Library.
An 1854 image of the Columbia Drugstore.
1854 July - the building burns and is replaced with a canvas shelter.
1855 March - McChesney sells the drugstore to Oxley and Campbell.
1855 December - the lot sells to McChesney and Dr. M. W. Parsons, a dentist.
1856 July - a two story brick structure is built by John C. Duchow, the lower floor houses the Columbia Drugstore, the upper floor has a print shop and is the office of the Weekly Columbian, published by J. W. Oliver.
1856 November - McChesney sells to Parsons, and the Weekly Columbian moves. Dr. Parsons was a dentist.
See more.
© Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.
1857 John C. Duchow buys the Weekly Columbian.
1857 August 25th - Fire ravages town. "Our office situated on the second floor of Parson's fire-proof building, was uninjured with the exception of a few newspapers, a chair leg, a box of matches and the floor charred." - (from the Sacamento Daily Union August 29, 1857, quoted from the Columbia Courier)
1860 John C. Duchow moves the paper to his own building.
1862 May - the building sells to Henry Smith.
1863 February - the building sells to John C. Duchow, the 3rd regiment stores its equipment in the building.
1863 November - C.D. Turner leases the lower floor for a writing school.
1864 The 3rd regiment again leases the building which is now called the Union Hall.
1866 July - John C. Duchow returns the printing press and equipment to the second floor and rents it to William O. Dinsmore who publishes The Columbia Citizen.
1866 October - the lower floor is rented to Charles Strake and J. Wedel's outlet for the Springfield Brewery.
1871 August - Duchow owns Block15, Lot 211. - Deputy County Surveyor map by John P. Dart
1880 February - Henkleman's Saloon is in the building.
1898 Pitt and Carder's Blue Wing Saloon is on the lower floor, the name is later changed to the Wild Horse saloon.
1898 December - Ben Pitts re-names the saloon the Court Exchange, Judge Lindsay prepares to open his courtroom in the building.
1903 Gus Groelper plans to open a lodging house in the building.
1914 March - Duchow's widow sells to Dante Cinelli.
1940s and 50s there are living quarters on the second floor of the building. Stairs lead directly from the street.
© Columbia Historic State Park.
1940s and 50s Robert M. Hooe has the California Studio Photography in the building.
1947 State purchases from Delores and John Oliver.
1949 The Upstairs is a printing press display.

© private collection of web master.
Duchow Building c1952.
1954 The drugstore exhibit is installed on the lower floor through the efforts of Louis Stein and the California Pharmaceutical Association.

© Columbia State Historic Park.
Duchow Building 1957.
1991 Front of exhibit is remodeled so that visitors can read the labels on the jars.

© Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.
Duchow Building 2004.

© Columbia State Historic Park.
A proposed change for the Drug Store exhibit.
This building and the interpretive display can be maintained by your support
with a generous donation to FRIENDS of Columbia SHP.

Page created for the public by
Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.

Email contact:
fdpoyde3 (at) Yahoo (dot) com
created for the visitors to the Columbia State Historic park.
© Columbia State Historic Park & Floyd D. P. Øydegaard.